First, thanks to Sam and the Neal family for making the site available over the holidays. The sky conditions went "from the ridiculous to the sublime" this evening. Driving over it was mostly cloudy and I was questioning my sanity and the weather forecast. After some early clouds, things became about as good as they get!
The evening started with Venus poking through the clouds. I was surprised that I could see the crescent even at prime focus with the reducer in the Takahashi TOA 130. I told Don Taylor that, if nothing else, at least I got a usable shot of Venus as a crescent!
See the processed images below for more.
Sunset image at top details: Nikon D100, 1/80 second exposure at f4 on a Sigma 14mm (super-wide angle) AF lens at ISO 400. I set this to underexpose by 2 stops to avoid burning out the detail by the sun. The image just above, same details but f3.5. Handheld, by the way!
A Killdeer (?) through the TOA Telescope!
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