These objects (IC2169, Barnard 37 (dark nebula on right), IC447, IC 446 (blue areas at the end of the dust lane), LDN 1606, LDN1607, NGC 2247, NGC 2245, vDB 76, 78, and 79) get limited attention because they are right between two major astronomy showpieces: The Fox Fur, Christmas Tree, and Cone Nebula area and the
Rosette Nebula.
The above represents 11 hours total exposure! (130 x 5 minute = 650 minutes total) Takahashi TOA 130 Telescope (a 5" APO refractor) with reducer, AP 900GTO mount, and QHY8 CCD Camera & normal workflow. Among the objects: B37 (dark nebula on right), IC447, IC 446 (blue area at the end of the dust lane), LDN 1606, LDN1607, NGC 2247, NGC 2245, vDB 76, 78, and 79. It combines a set from the HAS Columbus site with a set from the Davis Mountains. I stretched it quite a bit in an effort to draw out the dusty red component of the area. Compare with the Davis Mountains Compare with version below consisting of 69 x 4 exposures. I weighed the top image 2 parts Davis Mtns to one part HAS. Even though skies were excellent by local standards at the HAS site, I think the ~ equivalent exposure from the mountains was noticeably better. It shows the advantages of being a mile above sea level.
IC2169: 69 x 5 minute exposure, or 5.75 hours over several nights from the Davis Mountains, October 2008. Takahashi TOA 130 Telescope (a 5" APO refractor) with reducer, AP 900GTO mount, and QHY8 CCD Camera & normal workflow.
Sander Pool has a nice, wider version here. Note the cool "solved image" link thing.
Other Pictures from the Davis Mountains are here
Dick Locke's Astrophoto Gateway page....
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