Below: M13
M13 (& NGC 6207 far left). My HAS image has been replaced by my Davis Mountains Image, which is a combination of 4x4=16 minutes exposure from 10/2007. Canon EOS 20Da (unmodified), ISO , Takahashi TOA 130 (a 5" APO refractor) & flattener, and Astro-Physics AP 900GTO mount. APOD has more info on M13 here.
Above is not reduced in size (full resolution of camera), and replaces HAS image. M92 is a decent cluster in Hercules, but is understandably overshadowed by M13. ~3 x 4 minute exposures at ISO 800.
All images: Canon EOS 20Da (unmodified), Takahashi TOA 130 (a 5" APO refractor) with the TAK flattener, guided with SBIG STV, Astro-Physics AP 900GTO mount. My current image processing workflow is here.
Astronomy Pictures: Dick Locke's Astrophoto Gateway page....
At least 50 people attended the HAS BBQ & observing event on Saturday, June 9th at the Columbus site. Skies were pretty good until the fog started rolling in sometime around 2:00. My setup is on the near left. This was the second field trip for my new Astro-Physics AP 900GTO mount and I spend a lot of time experimenting with guiding.
Copyright © Dick Locke. All Rights Reserved.
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M13 good guiding M92, experimenting, last/good shot averaging 3 at .9 sec aex .7 and aey 1.1 M69, aex .6, aey 1.2 m19 aex .6, aey 1.6 not averaging next 1.2, 1.2, chasing seeing