Dick Locke's Astronomical Images: OLD MOSTLY FILM INDEX
Copyright © 1998-2009, Dick Locke. All Rights Reserved. Contact and Image Use Information
This was where I began to publish my first astronomy photos. It's in reverse chronological order.
Some good stuff: check out Featured Astronomy Photos. If you're interested in how to "do" astrophotography, see: Basic Astrophotography
Mo' Mars: Click on the pic. (Click on Mars to go to my Mars page.)
I began to experiment with astrophotography with my Nikon D100 as of 8/2003
2002/2003 Starry Nights Pix
Comet Ikeya-Zhang!
Leonid Meteor Shower, November 17/18, 2001
Planet Pictures
Early & Easy Astropix and D100 Fixed Tripod Astronomy Pictures/Images
2002 Starry Nights Pix
M45, The Pleiades or Seven Sisters (11/17/2001)
Lunar Attitudes
Moon Halo
Lunar Images
Scope Setup
Starry Nights B&B, Wimberly TX, October 17-21, 2001
We had some great weather on this trip.
M31, The Andromeda Galaxy
M33, The Triangulum or Pinwheel Galaxy (Newer M33 here)
Star Trails (very wide angle)
Davis Mountains, Texas, April 2001
The weather wasn't terribly cooperative on this trip where I had the opportunity to try out my new Losmandy G-11 mount...
Davis Mountains, Texas, November 2000
Here are Astronomy images images from our latest dark sky trip! My daytime shots are worth checking out too.
Davis Mountains, Texas, May/June 2000
North Houston Astronomy Club's "Sammy" Neal Observing Site, September 30, 2000 -- This was an outstanding night! Very clear, very dark!
North Houston Astronomy Club's "Sammy" Neal Observing Site, August 26/27, 2000
NHAC Neal Site, June, 2000
Back Yard, The Woodlands, Texas
Lunar Eclipse, January 20, 2000 -- Fuji 100 print film, prime focus, Takahashi FS 102 telescope with 2X tele-extender at f16
Go to my regular home page
North Houston Astronomy Club (NHAC) Home Page
Check out Paul and Liz's Home Page
Copyright © 1998-2007, Dick Locke. All Rights Reserved.
Contact and Image Use Information hits since 6/13/2003 update.